In the event of a crisis, our clients have access to an experienced crisis team offering strategic advice and operational support, available immediately and around the clock if needed. During a crisis, we protect your reputation and guide you safely through the acute phase.
However, effective crisis communication begins long before an actual crisis and doesn’t end when the immediate situation is resolved:
Before a potential crisis, we assist you in preparing as effectively as possible or in preventing critical issues from escalating into crises. We identify reputation-critical issues and uncover vulnerabilities in existing internal and external crisis communication structures and processes. Building on this, we develop behavioral guidelines, processes, scenario plans, and Q&A documents tailored to your specific risks, all of which are consolidated into a comprehensive crisis manual.
Through media training, coaching, and simulations, we prepare management and communication teams for critical situations.
After a crisis, we help you derive key lessons for future potential crises and systematically rebuild your reputation.